Friday, December 28, 2007

New Orleans water goes to France

In an effort to prove his water theory, Kitchen Witch is reducing a gallon of pure adulterated Mississippi river to three ounces and taking it to Europe to make gumbo in, no other city than, Paris. Is this a trifle extreme? "well," Philipe says "ya gotta start somewhere!" Will the water make it through customs? Will Mississippi water turn the tide of the Siene? Will Salty Sam trap poor Sweet Sue and get the deed to her ranch? ...... Time will tell.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Mississippi water flavors southern dishes

Recent critics of the controversial 'water as flavoring' theory also claim that a good bagel can be made outside of New York City and more specifically the Lower East Side of Manhattan. "Nonsense", says Philipe LaMancusa of Kitchen Witch in New Orleans, "that's like saying wild fish taste the same a farmed, or that the waters that feed grapevines do not add to a grape's qualities, or that your coffee will taste the same using tap water or bottled" Philipe took it a step further by making identical gumbo with tap (Mississippi River) water and a 'pure' water from the alps. The conclusion was: "Alps gumbo is good, Tap gumbo is great!!!" Tell us your thoughts, answer this blog or contact Kitchen Witch at

Friday, December 14, 2007

New Orleans Water For Your Cooking

Is the Mississippi River responsible for the great taste of Crele and Cajun food? kitchen Witch in New Orleans seems to think so. For $10.00 plus shipping they'll send you a gallon of "pure, adulterated" New Orleans water. is even experimenting with a New Orleans water reduction. Philipe LaMancusa says that "IF the taste of the water IS the secret ingredient in New Orleans food, that reducing a gallon to 8 ounces should achieve the same result". Who knows? It could work.